Why I rebranded from Eight Accounting to Revive


I’ve recently been through the process of rebranding my business, to make sure it evolves with me, and it really speaks to the kind of clients I love to support.

I’m so excited to be launching a new website soon, and I wanted to bring you with me and share a sneak peek of the brand ahead of the launch date.

For those who don’t already know me – hello, I’m Caroline! I chose to build Eight Accounting (originally) because I love helping people make sense of their accounts and taking their stress away.

I wanted the freedom to choose how and when I work, and who I work with.  Total independence right there.  Most of my clients started out with the same desire, and coming from that place myself drives me to understand their needs so I can free up their time and ensure it’s really happening.

I believe accounting should revive your joy, not bring more stress and confusion

I support limited company owners and sole traders in service-based businesses, and have a particular love for the health and fitness industry.  Keeping healthy and active is something I’m really passionate about in life.  When I’m not running my accounting firm, I’m still running! I’m committed to my training and having recently completed a marathon, I now have my sights on an ultra marathon.

Don’t worry – you don’t need to be health and fitness mad to work with me!  Here are some of the characteristics of the kind of owners I work with:

Does this sound like you?

You’re doing something you love; fuelled by passion

  • You want to be confident you can keep going, without feeling like you’re scraping by
  • You want growth – not necessarily bigger, but better
  • You want the freedom and flexibility of working for yourself
  • You’re the kind of person who values relationships and wants your accountant to be the kind of person you can share stories, personal victories and challenges with.

If you’re nodding, I KNOW you started out with a real energy for your business.  Like me, you set out with a vision of greater flexibility and enjoyment than traditional employment can bring.  You took a brave step in following your own passion and skill.  But like many you’ve found managing yourself, your business operations, the finances and a team can feel extremely isolating when you don’t have the right support.

I’ve seen clients get trapped in survival mode trying to do it all on their own:

  • Not sure what’s really going on in their accounts, or what’s going wrong
  • Worrying about unexpected bills, penalties and fees from HMRC
  • Constantly patching up mistakes and crossing their fingers things don’t come undone.

Some find past experiences with accountants haven’t helped.  Accounting has just been a means to ticking boxes and paying taxes and little else.

In our naming process for the new brand, I felt Revive captured exactly what I want to achieve with my business.  I want to help revive the joy and energy you had for your business, and give you the strength to build better for your future.

The definition of revive is to “give new strength or energy”.

The name came from five core key phrases and principles I’m passionate about communicating:

Leave it with me = Every client we take over from another accountant is likely to be switching because they aren’t happy with their current provider.  Having us as your ally to revive your accounts also revives you as a person and your joy.

Balance/d = To make operative or valid again.  To recover life or strength.  We will help you get your finances back on track in a healthy way.

Approachable = Being able to talk to us and lean on us will help you achieve new energy, and will make you feel centred and happier.

Simplicity = We take complicated things and make them simple and easy to understand and review.

Endurance = We know how to help our clients find greater strength and new energy consistently.  This isn’t a one time burst, we’re helping you create endurance with your business.

I know running a business is a marathon, not a sprint. My clients want someone by their side who they can lean on and ask questions.

You deserve a good accountant.  That doesn’t mean someone who is good at ticking the right boxes for you – that’s a given.  It means someone who you can have a good trusting relationship with.  Someone you actually enjoy meeting with (imagine that?).

Revive has four pillars.  These pillars underpin the work I do, and the relationships I cultivate.  You will see these reflected across the website, and in your communication with me.

Trust – Trust is the basis of any successful relationship…it takes time to build and it works both ways…our clients have told us that they trust us because we communicate well with them, and we keep them updated.  And in return our clients engage with us and understand that when we ask for receipts, or copies of bank statements, this is so that we can help them.

Simplicity – We try our very best to keep things as simple as we can because we know that accounting can be complicated if you’re not familiar with it.  There will be times when things seem confusing, but we love to explain what these things mean and help support you.  We’ve recently helped a client whose bank accounts hadn’t been reconciled properly, so they couldn’t see what their customers owed them.  We were able to put this right and they now have complete visibility on this.

Precision – We love dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s!  We like to squeeze as much out of your accounts as we can, so we can make sure you stay compliant and pay the least amount of tax as possible.  Every receipt is important to us, every transaction, every sale you make, because they all form part of your accounts, and this then becomes important to you because you want to stay compliant and pay the least amount of tax.

Learning – If we don’t learn, we can never improve, and we love to learn!  There will be times you might ask us a question and we may not be able to give you an answer straight away because it might depend on how you are operating as a business, what industry you are in, what your turnover is…so we may have to go away and do a little research on it.  But your learning is just as important to us because we want you to see the potential your accounts can have to create a better life for you, so that you can achieve what you want.

There are so many accountants to choose from and it can be a little bit overwhelming deciding which one you want to work with.

I know we aren’t going to be the right accountant for every business and I’m okay with that.  It’s a good thing.  The best relationships come from being aligned at a values level.

Not sure if Revive is right for you?  Read this dedicated blog on How to decide if we’re your ideal accountant.

We hope you love the new brand as much as we do!

Let me know what you think by getting in touch, or follow me on Instagram to see more of the personal stuff.